From the collection of C. Gillet ('Kunstfreund')
Los 7
CALABRIA. Tarentum. Circa 450-440 BC. Didrachm or Nomos (Silver, 25 mm, 7.95 g, 6 h). Youthful oikist, nude, riding dolphing to left, extending both hands; below, scallop shell; to upper right, cicada. Rev. TARAΣ Youthful oikist, draped from the waist, seated to left on a diphros, holding an upright spindle in his right hand; all within laurel wreath. Fischer-Bossert 140b (this coin, V75'/R95α). Gillet 57 (this coin). HN Italy -. SNG Ashmolean 223 (same dies). Vlasto -. Very rare and attractively toned. Minor scratches and with a graffito on the obverse and light doubling on the reverse, otherwise, very fine.

From the collections of Prof. Dr. D. Mannsperger and that of R. Maly, LHS 100, 23 April 2007, 27, ex Numismatica Ars Classica G, 10 April 1997, 1008, and from the collection of C. Gillet ('Kunstfreund', 1879-1972), photofile no. 57.
2000 CHF
1600 CHF
3800 CHF
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